Review: F*** You Very Much (The surprising truth about why people are so rude) by Danny Wallace

Rudeness seems to be everywhere these days – from aggressive driving on our streets, to reality TV where producers intentionally generate antagonism to garner a response (and viewing figures), all the way to the White House. Obama led with thoughtfulness and inclusiveness, Trump took a different route, he’s given presidential support to rudeness. He’s taken a hostile path, showing that rudeness and intimidation is a viable way to get what you want; if the electorate thinks it’s fine for the leader of the free world to mimic a disabled person (while he was in the room), to brag about misogynism, to insult opponents rather than debate with them – have us polite people already lost the war?

Danny Wallace, in his very readable book, take a humorous and broad look at rudeness. After his eureka moment, well, more of a hotdog moment, he embarks on a journey of rudeness exploration to see whether he’s too meek, or whether the world is too hostile, or, are there just too many assholes in this world right now.

A funny book, some of the ‘case studies’ had me chortling away, and informative, this is well worth a read!

Book kindly supplied by Netgalley for an honest review.

See review on Goodreads.



