Review: Space Hopper by Helen Fisher

I loved the concept of Space Hopper, and on the whole, the execution was pretty good. It’s a light read, a couple of easily predicted twists – but the book felt less than the whole. Though well written, it was very bloated – a couple of pages dedicated to Faye cleaning the house definitely wasn’t a highlight – and I found myself heavily skimming the final half. The confessional style, to be fair, may be better suited for the female audience this book is clearly targeted at, but I found it repetitive and stating the obvious. And my final criticism was the sections where Faye talked to the reader – that fourth wall should rarely be broken.

But, it was an enjoyable, if predictable read. It could’ve been better with some heavier editing, but it was a solid 4*s.

Book supplied by Netgalley for an honest review.

See review on Goodreads.



