Review: The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less by Richard Koch

Richard Koch was on the Tim Ferriss podcast (#466) a few years ago and gave an interesting interview, talking mostly about the Pareto or the 80/20 principle (20% of efforts drive 80% of results) but also more broadly. That interview is worth a listen.

This book, however, definitely not. 80/20 is repeated so many times per page, per paragraph even, on uncredited examples which frankly seemed pulled out of thin air, that you start to feel your patience and your intelligence being insulted. By the 100th page, after hearing 80% of the profits are generated by 20% of the products, or 80% of sales are made by 20% of the clients, etc., with no actionable steps or insightful takeaways, I started to skim. By the 200th page I conceded defeat and slotted this into the ‘Did Not Finish’ pile.

I’m sure it’s not the worst self-help/business book I’ve read, but I’m struggling to recall another.

See review on Goodreads.



