The oddly titled Byzantine World War mostly covers the rule of Emperor Romanos IV Diogenes and his betrayal and untimely death at the hands of the Doukas family, which led to the demise of the Eastern Roman Empire. The book continues with a brief continuation into the Crusades, with the Fourth Crusade actually sacking Constantinople, the Empire’s seat of power. Oddly titled because the battles and politics were centred around the Levant and modern day Turkey – European and Islamic mercenaries were used, such as Saxons, Normans, Franks and the Uzes, but a ‘world war’ is a adding marketing grandeur!
This is an excellent book. Holmes’s style is chatty without being whimsical, and his conclusions are garnered from multiple sources, even contradicting some well-established theories. I especially enjoyed the political back story running throughout, how incompetent, self-serving schemers were willing to destroy a leader even though he was the last hope of a declining empire. It reminded me of the UK’s Brexit – populist politicians whipping up the country to commit national suicide.
A very good book, very readable, and very engaging.
Book supplied by Netgalley for an honest review.
See review on Goodreads.